NYS Off-line Sources

A researchers bibliography guide to New York State
genealogical and historical sources found at various libraries across the USA.

Home || Counties || Genealogy || History || Census || Military || Passenger

Understanding the layout of this site:

The links offered above: The history and genealogy pages are general listing of sources that do not indicate a specific county. The census link goes to pages of census records, but these census records are also found on the individual county pages. The Counties page is the easiest method to get to any of the county pages.

On any of these pages one will find titles, the libraries for that particular title, and the call numbers for that particular source. Clicking on the title will take you directly to the bibliography of that source. Clicking on the library will take you to their contact information.

Note: August 2023 Update
The information found on the ensuing pages is dated in that Ms Cornwell resigned from the NYGenWeb Project in 2009 and no updates were done after that. Therefore any listed Library, Society or Organization's Street Address, Phone Number or Email Address may no longer be valid. Additionally, we cannot guarantee that any of the printed media is still available.
All of the Resources are 'static' and most likely will not be added to or updated.
We present this Resource as an addition to those listed on the NYGenWeb 'Home' Page.

Not all sources are available via interlibrary loan. When known will post as such on bibliography.

This site does NOT sell anything, nor do we gather that type of information. Nor do we know the individual authors or how to contact them.

Suggestions to improve your search:

If you are seeking the sources on a particular county - go directly to the County list - utilize the links provided. Utilize the "Find" feature on your web browser, to locate further information on a given page.

Invalid Links? Contact: Tim ~ This site is part of the NYGenWeb & The USGenWeb

State Coordinator: Bob Sullivan
Assistant State Coordinator: Tim Stowell

This document may be freely copied for nonprofit or educational use. Commercial use is prohibited.

Site Moved and Updated: 8 August 2023

All Rights Reserved: NYGenWeb, Admin Team 2010-Present: With Thanks to Melinda Cornwell [2000-2009]